The 5th Annual Auburn
Weekend Study will be held on Friday, January 16 and Saturday,
January 17 at the building where the University Church of Christ
meets for worship. The study will be geared towards
college-aged/young adults, but we hope everyone feels welcome to
We plan to
study the themes of Romans 5:1-5 in depth, with the tentative
schedule as follows:
Friday (January 16)
7:00-7:15 - Introduction
7:15-8:15 - "We rejoice in our
sufferings" (Jordan Oldag)

8:15-9:15 - (Singing)

Saturday (January 17)
9:30-10:30 - "Suffering produces
endurance" (Ben Hall)

10:30-11:30 - "Endurance produces
character" (Caleb George)

11:30-1:00 - (Lunch Break)
1:00-1:15 - (Singing)

1:15-2:15 - "Character produces
hope" (Joshua Carter)

2:15-3:15 - "Hope does not put us
to shame" (David Maxson)
