The Auburn Beacon
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

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Thoughts To Ponder


And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery.
(Matthew 19:9)


University church of Christ


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(7:00 PM)



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Larry Rouse
1174 Terrace Acres Drive
Auburn, AL 36830

Cell:    (334) 734-2133
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Walker Davis
1653 Millbranch Drive,
Auburn, AL 36832

Cell:    (334) 703-0050
Home: (334) 826-3690

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449 North Gay Street

Auburn, AL 36830


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A Study of the Local Church
Wed. Night Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse
Download the outlines:
Lesson1 - Attitudes Towards Open Study and Resolving Differences
Lesson 2 - The Need to Find Bible Authority
Lesson 3 - The Local Church and the Individual Christian
Lesson 4 - The Work of a Local Church
Lesson 5 - The Organization of a Local Church
Lesson 6 - The Fellowship of a Christian

Click Here for Audio and Other Files


Click Here to Hear:

A Friendly Discussion on Mormonism

Held at the University church of Christ -
February 17, 2011


Following the Footsteps of Jesus
Bible Class by Larry Rouse

Download the current outlines:
Lesson1 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus in Baptism
Lesson 2 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus in Praying
Lesson 3 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus in Teaching
Lesson4 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus to the Cross

Lesson 5 - Follow the Footsteps of Jesus to Heaven

Click Here for Audio and Other Files

Building a Biblical  Faith

College Class

 Click Here for Outlines, Audio and Other Files


A Study of Evangelism
(Studies in the Cross of Christ)
College Bible Class by Larry Rouse


A Study of the Life of Joseph

Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files

Building a Biblical Home Bible Class Series

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files



What Is Truth?    

by Roy Cogdill


Nothing is more important than truth. Only the truth can make men free. Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). Error will only further enslave, but truth makes men free! The wise man said, "Buy the truth and sell it not" (Prov. 23:23). Truth is supreme in its value. We can afford to pay whatever it costs and when once we possess it, we cannot afford to take any price for it. The importance and necessity of it should be always exalted in our hearts.

There is no substitute for truth. It can be replaced only with error. Nothing else is "just as good as truth." Yet even in spiritual matters that concern the soul, we are often told that we should accept a substitute for the truth, for something else is just as good.

Truth is always consistent. It is never out of harmony with truth. There is no contradiction in truth. Whenever an apparent contradiction seems to exist, it is because we do not know the whole truth. There are not two correct answers to the same problem or question. When there is a variance, both cannot be right.

Truth is always narrow. Every kind of truth is narrow. Mathematical truth is narrow. Two and two make exactly four-no more, no less, and whoever says they make anything else is wrong. There are thousands of numbers that two and two do not make (error is broad) and only one that they do make-truth is narrow.

Scientific truth is narrow. Under ordinary conditions at sea level, water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, just that, no more, no less. There are thousands of temperatures at which water does not freeze. Suppose a man should say: "I am very broad in my scientific beliefs. I am not one of your scientific bigots who insist that water freezes at just 32 degrees, and that all who think differently are wrong. No, I admit that water freezes at 20,' 25, 30, 32, 38 and 40 degrees, and at any other temperature. Just so a man is sincerer, it does not matter at what temperature he believes water freezes. I am broad in my science." What would we think of such a man?

Historical truth is narrow. A given event took place in one particular way. There are thousands of ways in which it did not take place. It is the business of a jury to so consider the testimonies of the witnesses, each giving his impression, that they can determine just how the event did take place. So the historian is to use the date to determine just how the events he describes did take place. Suppose a professed historian should say: "I have very broad views of history. I abominate the narrow bigotry which says that a given event took place in only one particular way and that whoever says differently is wrong. I believe the event took place in a hundred ways, and just so a man is sincere, it does not matter how he believes it took place."

Geographical truth is narrow. There is but one right direction to London from where the reader sits, while there are thousands of wrong directions. If you point toward London, you must point in one definite direction. If you point in either of a thousand other directions, you are not pointing toward London. Suppose a man should say: "I am not one of your geographical bigots, who say that there is only one right direction toward London, from where he stands, while all who point in any other direction are wrong. No, indeed, I am broad in my views of geography, and any way a man chooses to start, is the right way to London, if only he be honest; and whichever way he starts, he will get to London just the same." What would intelligent people think of such an attitude?


How does it come to pass that what is recognized as the most arrogant nonsense in all other realms, is greedily swallowed when it comes to the realm of religion, where truth is most important? Whether a man be right or wrong in mathematics, in science, in history, in geography, etc., is of comparatively small importance, but his character and his eternal destiny depend upon his being right in religion. Only the truth has the power to make men free from spiritual bondage.

While truth is narrow, it does not follow that anything is truth because it is narrow. One would be just as narrow if he affirmed that two and two make five and nothing else, as to say two and two make four. We may be narrow and still be wrong. Narrowness alone does not establish the truth. But if we are broad in what we believe to be the truth, we are certain to be wrong. Truth is narrow, and hence belief of the truth must be narrow.



Other Articles by Roy Cogdill

The Unity in Christ
What Is the Meaning of Fellowship?



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The Assembly of the Saints

Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse
Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - How Can We Know What God Wants?
Lesson 2 - What Is a Local church?
Lesson 3 - The Lord's Supper

Lesson 4 - Should Women Speak in the Assembly?
Lesson 5 - What is the Place and Purpose of the Contribution?
Lesson 6 - Misconceptions about the Assembly


Studies by David Tant at the University church of Christ

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files


How to Study the Bible
College Class

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files


You are Invited to Hear
Dee Bowman of Pasadena, Texas

In a Series of Bible Lectures
August 21-24, Sunday - Wednesday
at the University church of Christ in Auburn, AL


For More Details Click Here


Messianic Prophecies in the Book of Isaiah
Adult Bible Class by Larry Rouse
Sunday Mornings at 9:30
Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - The Time and Reign of the Messiah
Lesson 2 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 42)
Lesson 3 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 49)
Lesson 4 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 50)
Lesson 5 - The Servant Songs (Isaiah 52-53)
Lesson 6 - The Virgin Birth (Isaiah 7)

Click Here for Audio and Other Files


Sermon Series on the Book of 1 John
by Robert Harkrider

Click Here for Audio and Other Files


Hear Mark Broyles on "Marriage as God Designed It"

Click Here for Audio and PowerPoint Files


A Study of Religious Beliefs

Wednesday Night College Bible Class

Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - Introduction and Approach
Lesson 2 - The Roman Catholic Church
Lesson 3 - An Overview of Islam
Lesson 4 - An Overview of Mormonism
Lesson 5 - An Overview of Pentecostalism
Lesson 6 - An Overview of Calvinism


Student Sunday Night Home Study and Singing



For Additional Information and Past Audio and Outlines Click Here

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