would not be uncommon, when passing a hog farm to see one or more pigs
with a metal ring in its nose. The reason is, these animals use their
noses to dig or root-up things. They also find that their nose is quite
handy in digging out a place in the mire in which to wallow. But because
some are a little too handy at rooting under the fence and getting out,
the owner will often have them “ringed” as a preventative; all of which
brings us to the words of Solomon: “As a jewel of gold in a swine’s
snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion”
(Prov. 11:22).
Thus, while it would not be out of the ordinary to see a ringed pig as
we’ve described, what would be very highly inconsistent would be to see
“a jewel of gold” in the nose of a pig. If we were to see that, we’d
probably think that farmer fell up a tree!
At the
end of a normal school day, an attractive and healthy looking girl,
evidently barely in her teens, is walking across the school campus with
some other girls toward the parking lot; she walks with grace and
dignity, then suddenly lights up a cigarette, takes a puff, and blows
the smoke away from her with much force, trying to appear smart and
independent; then they ride away toward town. Here is a girl with such
promise! She has not yet experienced the damage the smoking will do to
her health, how it will effect her skin complexion, wrinkle her face,
rob her of a feminine voice, shorten her breath, ruin a possibly
beautiful singing ability, etc. Such a sight is “as a jewel in a swine’s
young, reasonably attractive lady, a member of the local church whose
parents and grandparents are doting on her to grow up and some day meet
a fine young man, a faithful member of the Lord’s church, is gradually
drawn into the company of her peers and begins to experiment with
illegal drugs; the sight of which is “as a jewel of gold in a swine’s
often take note of their daughter’s beauty, popularity, talents, good
grades in school, obeyed the gospel at a tender age, etc. Soon she is
encouraged to go out for twirling, pep squad, dancing, ballerina, band
majorette, show business or such. Little does she realize that when she
begins to go in such a direction and dress (or undress) for these parts
that in God’s eyes she is “as a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout”!
Once we
knew a young teen-age girl, a member of the local congregation where we
were preaching at the time, who was told by some that she had an
attractive figure and was pretty enough that she should make her bid for
“beauty queen.” Her picture appeared in a local newspaper, along with a
write-up of her aspirations in that direction. She envisioned herself
competing for Miss Texas, and perhaps even Miss America! Upon seeing
this item in the paper, we immediately met with her privately and warned
her of the sinfulness of such competitions, the bathing suit contests,
etc. To this girl’s credit, she was able to change her mind and refused
to take that direction in her life. Rather, she completed high school
(we do not recall if she attended college or not, but possibly did) and
fell in love with a young man, a member of the same congregation, and in
time married him. The last time we saw her, she was very happily married
and had made a fine mother to their children. It is our firm and settled
conviction that this lady escaped being “as a jewel of gold in a swine’s
are we talking about here? In each of the above cases, we can see that
it is a blessing from God to have the beauty and talents (Acts
17:28-29; Jas. 1:17) that many girls have. Especially is this
true when the beauty is inward! But how contradictory or inconsistent
with such attractiveness it is for such young ladies to take up such a
life that is of a worldly character! It is completely incompatible with
such God-given beauty! Such a life is not becoming to “women professing
godliness” (1 Tim.
2:10). Peter said: “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in
that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet
spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price”
(1 Pet. 3:4).
When any young, beautiful, and talented lady aspires to any such worldly
activities, it is often nearly impossible to talk them out of such a
pursuit. However, we have a responsibility to help our youth to make
wise decisions, especially in matters of such importance that might
place them in a position where temptation to go wrong is increased. Even
at best, they are faced with enough pressure from friends and peers to
fashion themselves according to the world that they need all of the help
that mature and good people are able to provide without being pushed
into such. This is particularly the responsibility of godly parents, in
which the father must take the lead. Paul said: “And ye fathers, provoke
not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and
admonition of the Lord”
(Eph. 6:4).
young people, parents, grandparents, and relatives, remember the words
of Proverbs 11:22:
“As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is
without discretion.” Don’t ever encourage a young lady to be a
contradiction “as a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout.”
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