The Grand Canyon of the
Colorado River. Never have I stood before its awesome vastness and its
exquisite beauty without being moved spontaneously to
however inadequately, how glorious it is. And I have never failed to
hear others burst forth in
of wonder. Indeed, one would pity the person who either failed to
delight in such grandeur or was incapable of sharing his delight.
C. S. Lewis has reminded
us, in his inimitable way, that enjoyment not only overflows into
praise, but that the praise is an important part of the enjoyment.
Delight is incomplete until expressed, as any young lover knows. And the
worthier the object, the more intense is the desire to enjoy and praise.
Since God is the most worthy of all praiseworthy objects in the
universe, we have here a clue to the joy of worship.
It may well be true that
the chief end of man is “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” If so,
God’s command to glorify Him is actually an invitation to enjoy Him,
since the glorifying is part of the joy. If the enjoyment of the Grand
Canyon is somehow not complete unless we praise it, how much more is
that true of Him who could make the Grand Canyon! Thomas Carlyle has
said that “wonder is the basis of worship.” He was right. And one would
be pitiable indeed who either was not filled with wonder before God or
did not experience joy in the expressing of that wonder through worship.
How exactly would we
define “worship?” It is the expression of loving reverence and honor,
the combination of adoration and veneration. As we have already hinted,
it has very much to do with God’s
Interestingly enough, our English word “worship” descends from the Old
English word “weorthscipe” which literally meant “worth + ship.”
Practically speaking, worship is the expression of tribute to God’s
“worth” – His praiseworthy
nature, attributes and works. The worshipper
praises God,
glorifies God,
honors God.
The Bible is chock-full
of worship to God. Consider just two examples. In Revelation 5:13, the
innumerable hosts in heaven and earth are pictured worshipping God in
these words: “Blessing
be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!”
And in
Timothy 1:17,
there is one of Paul’s frequent doxologies (the Greek word
means “glory”): “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God
who alone is wise, be
forever and ever. Amen.” In all such passages, the common denominator is
the praise of God..
A good many of the songs
in our hymnbooks are songs of worship, and they are intended to be
joyous songs in which we give expression to our delight in God.
(Incidentally, a “hymn” is a song of praise, in distinction to other
types of spiritual songs.) “Worthy Art Thou” is a good example of a
human effort to “give to the Lord the glory due His name”
96:8). The joy of
singing such songs is the joy of the creature in the act of appreciating
and expressing the worthiness and glory of his Creator. It is the most
“natural” of the joys that can be experienced by a human being.
Now, it is undeniably
true that the joy of worship must be kept within the bounds of God’s own
pleasure. He has taught us that His thoughts are higher than ours
(Isaiah 55:8-9)
and we ought not to think
expression of joyful reverence
be honoring to Him. Jesus was emphatic when He taught that those who
worship do so “in spirit and in truth”
4:23-24). When,
however, a Christian does worship like that, he knows the joy that
naturally flows from praising the Most Praiseworthy.
Now here is our point:
this uplifting joy of worship is and ought to be a
personal thing, a
experience. The joy that Christians have together when they assemble as
a congregation for worship is a very special treasure. (To minimize or
neglect it may mean being lost.) But the child of God does not have to
wait until he goes “to church” to experience the joy of worship. He can
enjoy that every day he lives. He can joyously sing and pray, as did
Paul and Silas even in prison in
16:25. He can
joyously meditate upon the praises of God and His word, as did the
“blessed” man in
When he makes personal
worship a way of life, the Christian finds joy to be just one of several
benefits: closer fellowship with God, spiritual strength and maturity,
and more meaningful congregational worship. As he sets aside specific
daily times of personal devotion and praise, and as he allows himself
spontaneously to praise God throughout the day, the Christian discovers
the joyous goodness of fellowship with God. And when he does, he is
getting but a foretaste of heaven, where the joy of worship will be
complete and unending!
Other Articles by Gary Henry
Loving What is Right
Love Lets
Us be Free
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